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About Willoughbees

My name is David Willoughby, and I am a local beekeeper in Mendocino County. The business is family based with my wife and 2 children pitching in where needed. Honey extraction is the kid's favorite part. We have a growing apiary located primarily in the Ukiah, Potter Valley, and Willits valleys.
Our Company

Our main goal is to maintain healthy bees for pollination and honey production. Our honey is raw and unfiltered--we simply extract it from the comb and strain any wax particles, resulting in unpasteurized, natural honey.

Honey Process

We believe in leaving stored honey in the hive for the bees to eat during the winter months and only extracting the surplus. This promotes a sustainable, natural, and healthy hive. After carefully removing the honey frames from the hives, we use a centrifugal honey extracter to remove it from the comb. After extracting all honey, we strain it  to remove any residual wax or impurities.

Pollination is important for food production and a healthy environment. We lplace our bees to ensure that they get plenty of nectar and are able to pollinate a variety of plants and flowers. During the months of February through March our bees pollinate almonds in the Sacramento Valley. This is vital to the almond growers and also very beneficial in building  up the strength of our hives.

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